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Saturday, December 31, 2016

Eye Eye

Eye Eye
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: a central cyclopian green eye outlined in black, with black lashes and no visible brow; the skin is mixed layers of multiple shades of brown curving away from the eye]

Friday, December 30, 2016

Tree Silhouttes 1 and 2

Tree Silhouettes 1 and 2
acrylic on stretched canvas
11"x14" and 14"x11"
$200 each or $350 lot

[Image description: both have backgrounds of vertical lines in shades of purple ranging from nearly blue to violet; painting 1 has three stylized three silhouettes on three hills above a river, all in black, with faded grey clouds in the middle background; painting 2 has a single centered branching silhouette on a hill with distorted clouds in grey and white in the middle background]

Thursday, December 29, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: black background with red branching figure which starts as a single line at the bottom, and splits repeatedly as it moves up, ending in pale pink splotches; surface heavily dripped and splattered in white and pale purple with a few small orange spots]

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Sierpinski Trio

Sierpinski Trio
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: black background with three Sierpinski gaskets; small red recursive triangle is upright at bottom right; large purple recursive triangle is upside-down at top center; medium pale pink recursive triangle is horizontal at top left; surface spattered and dripped in these three colors]

Tuesday, December 27, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: black background spattered and dripped in vermilion, lemon yellow, and sky blue]

Saturday, December 24, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: black circles of various sizes cover the large canvas, and nest within each other. Grey humanoid shapes overlay the circles, following their implications. The largest humanoid contains other, smaller homunculi. The surface is a spatter of red, blue, grey.]

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cold Frustration

Cold Frustration
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: background of sky blue covered in drips of black with a few small spots of white and pink; centered is a vague star shape in black]

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Rainbow Slash

Rainbow Slash
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: diagonal rainbow lines for background from light purple in bottom left to dark blue in top right; surface spattered and dripped with slashes of each color]

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: dark green background spattered in red, silver, and gold]

Monday, December 12, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: copper-brown background with vertical and diagonal stripes in golden-brown, splattered in dark purple]

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: background of black eroded by water in rivulets revealing pale yellowish green beneath; hidden in the black is a footbridge with a railing over a blue river; minimal green splatters on the surface]

Friday, December 9, 2016

Bubblegum Rothko

Bubblegum Rothko
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: frame of bronze brown around split rectangle; top half is green, bottom half is light blue, both halves have been thickly and thinly splattered with blobs of green, light blue, and bubblegum pink]

Thursday, December 8, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: white background dripped and spattered with lines and dots of blue, yellow, pale purple, green, and black]

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: smears of black, blue, white, yellow, and orange pressed on with visible capillary action]

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Girl with No Eyes

Girl with No Eyes
acrylic and paper on stretched canvas

[Image description: background of yellow and thick periwinkle vertical stripes, also framed in periwinkle; centered is a light-skinned feminine figure in a blue dress with light brown hair, distinct eyebrows, eyelashes, and lips, but no eyes; surface covered in spattered paint in various colors used to paste on bits of crumpled paper towels]

Monday, December 5, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: white background with hot pink, orange, and yellow slashes and curls lifted slightly diagonal from horizontal, then smeared with finger lines down vertically; surface lightly dripped and splattered in these colors as well as blue]

Sunday, December 4, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: horizontal layers of faded black, blue, and red as the background; centered is a solid black disk slightly distorted by water]

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Primary Colors

Primary Colors
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: Over a white background, interlocked bands of black and grey dominate, with a few small bands of red woven in; the surface is dripped and distorted with rivulets of all three colors.]

Friday, December 2, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: abstract thin layers of grey with diagonal lines of blue, horizontal lines of green, dotted red lines and drips of red, and a vertical trail of yellow slightly right of center]

Thursday, December 1, 2016


acrylic on stretched canvas
$100 SOLD

[Image description:  white background with goddess figure in grey and dark purple, arms upraised, in the center; dark purple crescent moons at top right and bottom left;  surface spattered and smeared with blue, purple, grey, green, and small spots of orange]