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Tuesday, April 25, 2017


acrylic on cardboard

[Image description: raised lines of white surround and oblong drop of red which has blended slightly with the white in a horizontal oval right of center; a small green droplet is up and right of the red drop]

Monday, April 24, 2017


acrylic on canvas board
$50 ea or $175 lot

[Image description: each symbol is inscribed in relief on the background for each element, and symbols for planets and elements frame each image in black; the background colors are hashwork shades of green and brown for earth (a circle with a cross), flat black spattered in white and fluorescents for air (a star), vertical shades of blue for water (a moon), and vertical shades of orange and yellow for fire (a sun)]

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Signs of the Zodiac

The Signs of the Zodiac
(Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius)
acrylic on canvas board
$50 ea or $500 lot

[Image description: each sign has been done in relief over streaks of color and framed with black symbols for planets and elements; the colors are respectively: vertical orange and brown for Capricorn; horizontal purple, white, and blue for Aquarius; diagonal purple and blue for Pisces; vertical shades of red for Aries; horizontal shades of green for Taurus; diagonal shades of pale green and yellow for Gemini; vertical pastels for Cancer; horizontal golden yellow shades for Leo; diagonal purple and white for Virgo; vertical rainbow for Libra; horizontal dark red and black for Scorpio; diagonal shades of green and gold for Sagittarius]

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Stretched Beyond

Stretched Beyond
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: black background spattered in streaks of red, purple, and white, blending and dripped over with water]

Friday, April 21, 2017

River Egg

River Egg
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: white background; centered is an irregular shape in black, bordered in burgundy, split by waves of gold and silver; the left side holds a metallic green disk, and the right side holds a metallic red disk; outside of the egg are a small dark green disk at the top left and a small light blue disk at the bottom right]

Thursday, April 20, 2017


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: white background with a large symbol of thick black lines indicating the Japanese kanji for the number five]

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: horizontal lines of shades of teal as background indicating water, with three green oblong shapes as lilypads at upper middle left, lower middle right, and lower left near the bottom; a lily bud is opposite the top lily pad, and near the lower middle center is a lily in full bloom in swirls of pink, white, and yellow]

Monday, April 17, 2017

Digital-Neural Highways

Digital-Neural Highways
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: An angular space-filling curve in silver on a black background.]

Friday, April 14, 2017

Copper Plated

Copper Plated
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: background of copper is covered in random brush prints of fluorescent yellow, pink, green, and blue]

Thursday, April 13, 2017


acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: background of green brush strokes over a dark blue; foreground holds a butterfly with a black body and wings of blending blue, white, purple, and pink; the surface is spattered and dripped with shades of blue, green, and white]

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Desert Scene

Desert Scene
acrylic on parchment

[Image description: white background framed top and bottom with black lines, left and right with thicker black vertical dashes; the image itself holds a sun at the top left, with two intersecting hillsides holding cacti and sparse leafy plants]

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


acrylic on paper

[Image description: white background covered in lip, finger, and handprints mostly in black, with occasional colors such as red or green]

Monday, April 10, 2017

Desert Isle

Desert Isle
acrylic on paper

[Image description: background has a sunset in top right and a starred night sky in top left; foreground is a small desert island on a dark blue sea, holding a double palm tree and a black silhouette of a reclining human figure wearing a hat, with a brown bottle carelessly tossed aside]

Friday, April 7, 2017


acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: horizontal streaks of pale pink and white fading to pale blue at the bottom; in the center dominates a house symbol in lines of streaky green shadowed with lines of black holding a zigzag at the base; clockwise from the top right are black symbols of an upright triangle, an inverted triangle, a filled circle, and a hollow circle]

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Traffic Light

Traffic Light
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: background in vertical streaks of black, white, and silver, spattered with red, yellow, green, and white]

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Forest Flora

Forest Flora
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: dark green background spattered and dripped in pink, purple, white, and black]

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sunny Side Up

Sunny Side Up
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: yellow background spattered and dripped in metallic green, gold, white, and blue]

Monday, April 3, 2017


acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: sky blue background covered with distinct drips and spatter of thickly raised paint blobs swirling together and blending in all colors, including metallics and fluorescents]

Sunday, April 2, 2017

4 symbols

4 Symbols
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: white background heavily washed in red and black paint which has distorted the images, particularly the crude, thick, black four by four grid, overlaid with thick, diagonal green lines at the top right and bottom left corner, vertical and horizontal green lines at the bottom right and top left corners, and four red symbols clockwise include a flame, a key, a cup, and a bolt of lightning]