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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sierpinski Gasket

Sierpinski Gasket
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: fractal triangle which is red on the outer two levels, then orange, then yellow, light green, and blue, with purple being the smallest level]

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Happy Cat

Happy Cat
ink pens on paper

[Image description: line drawing in black ink of a cat reclining with her belly up and one paw extended out to the right, with the other curled up against her chest on the left]

Monday, August 28, 2017


ink pens on paper

[Image description: line drawing in black ink of the artist looking skeptically at the viewer; she has her hair pulled up and back in a messy bun, wears glasses, and has a mole on the top right side of her face]

Sunday, August 27, 2017


chalk pastel on paper

[Image description: black and white drawing of a mermaid stylized in lines of varying thicknesses; her hair, hands, and tail curl in spirals]

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Imagined Room

Imagined Room
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: white background with blue line drawing of perspective shot from a hall into a sitting room with a television and a chair and more bookshelves further on; foregrounded is a bookshelf filled with books, pictures, and various other objects including a guitar, a globe, a crystal ball, a telescope, a bust, and an oil lamp]

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Circuitboard Mandala

Circuitboard Mandala
markers on paper

[Image description: white background with circular figure centered around a borderless medicine wheel surrounded by tally marks in blue, then green, then black; next is a ring of orange surrounded by disks of red, yellow, black, and white, followed by a ring of triangles alternating blue, green, and black, finally circled by a series of small orange dots from which lines in all colors emanate in square angles]

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Question and Answer

Question and Answer
colored pencil on paper

[Image description: a split image divided by a diagonal line tilted right; the top left shows a stylized white feminine figure with brown hair and a purple dress standing on a green hill, looking into the night sky peacefully, while the bottom right shows the same woman in lighter colors in the day time with her arms and hair curled wildly about her; the text is behind the woman to the left in the first image, and next to the woman on the right in the bottom image]

I asked
the universe
whether it
would live
or die
and a great
and terrible
answered me,

And I went happily mad,
reeling with the possibility
of a quiet

Monday, August 21, 2017

Moon and Star

Moon and Star
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: centered are a a blue crescent moon and a small yellow five-pointed star over a pale background of blue streaks tilted right; the moon wears a placid face and the star smiles]

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Boca Reservoir

Boca Resevoir
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: in the foreground is a sandy beach with a small circular bay ringed with grass that comes to the top of two hills on either side, with a deciduous tree on the left and a conifer on the right; in the background is a rainbow-like sunset peering through clouds]

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Orange Relief

Orange Relief
acrylic on paper

[Image description: orange background spattered and dripped randomly with watered down green mostly in lighter shades]

Friday, August 18, 2017

Pink and White Piece

Pink and White Piece
acrylic on paper

[Image description: pink streaks in lighter and darker shades tilt right, a few dots of pink speckle the surface in these different shades]

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Orange Stretch

Orange Stretch
acrylic on paper

[Image description: orange brushes shade through brown to green from top to bottom]

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


acrylic on paper

[Image description: orange background spattered in droplets of shades of green that become very dark in some places, but are mostly pale and watered down]

Monday, August 14, 2017

Blue Stretch

Blue Stretch
acrylic on paper

[Image description: vertical streaks of paler and darker blue]

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Also Not a Self-Portrait

Also Not a Self-Portrait
acrylic on paper

[Image description: pink background with a cartoonish balloon face in orange with green eyes, one larger than the other, with a small shock of brown hair curving above, blue glasses, and a horizontal red line indicating a mouth, above a small white cloud]

Saturday, August 12, 2017


acrylic on paper

[Image description: pale blue background with irregular horned shapes stacked in the center in white, purple, and green outlined in darker purple; to each side are irregular quadrilaterals in white, green, and dark blue outlined in dark purple, with small lighter purple dots in the center of each; the border is a pattern of rectangles in dark blue, green, and white with the light purple dot centered, and further interior is a looping line of dark purple]

Friday, August 11, 2017

Pink Piece

Pink Piece
acrylic on paper

[Image description: pink background faintly overlaid with diagonal stripes of green and darker pink tilted right, with a few small splotches of dark green to the top right]

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Green and Blue Piece

Green and Blue Piece
acrylic on paper

[Image description: pink background overlaid with diagonal stripes of blue, green, and black tilted right]

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Melting Watercolors

Melting Watercolors
watercolors on paper

[Image description: background of larger oval shapes overlaid with smaller oval shapes, in alternating colors of purple, pink, blue, and green, each dripping streaks down toward the bottom]

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Not Male
acrylic on paper
$50 ea or $125 lot

[Image description: pink background with roughly sketched man symbol in a box with an X drawn through it]

Not Female
acrylic on paper
$50 ea or $125 lot

[Image description: blue background with a rough sketch of a woman symbol in a box with an X drawn through it]

acrylic on paper
$50 ea or $125 lot

[Image description: purple background with the Venus symbol intertwined with the Mars symbol at top left and right respectively, and at the bottom is a symbol which combines both]

Monday, August 7, 2017

Blue Cloud Fade

Blue Cloud Fade
acrylic on paper

[Image description: mottled blue and white textured plain]

Sunday, August 6, 2017


acrylic on paper

[Image description: brushstrokes feature prominently in layers of darker and lighter brown]

Friday, August 4, 2017

Green Room

Green Room
acrylic on paper

[Image description: predominantly green background overlaid with splotches of orange, blue, white, and lighter green]

Thursday, August 3, 2017


acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: three vertical bands of metallic color, silver on the left, gold in the center, and copper on the right, streaked with lighter shades of each over the top]

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Yellow Room

Yellow Room
acrylic on cardboard

[Image description: blotches of color squish together amorphously, including yellow, blue, green, pink, orange, and red, with red dominating the background, and the biggest splotches in the foreground being yellow]

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Fuzzy Lumps

Fuzzy Lumps
acrylic on paper

[Image description: background is green at the bottom, red on the top left, yellow on the top right, and is overlaid with brown amorphous patterning surrounding three circles in green, yellow, and red from the top to the bottom right and then bottom left]