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Friday, October 27, 2017

Geometric Tornado

Geometric Tornado
markers on paper

[image description: alternating vertical stripes in black and red, crossed perpendicular with horizontal black lines and randomly sized and placed red-filled boxes in an uneven inverted triangle]

Sunday, October 22, 2017


markers on paper

[image description: red ink grid with whitespace to either side; the center four-by-four boxes are criss-crossed with diagonal lines and further sub-divided into recursively smaller boxes and diagonals]

Friday, October 20, 2017


pencil on paper

 [image description: pencil sketch; in the foreground is a simple line-drawing of the artist's left hand placed on top of the knees; the background is shaded flat surfaces and deep canyons, atop which is perched a starfish in a similar position to the foregrounded hand]

Sunday, October 15, 2017


pen & ink on paper

[image description: ink line-drawing in curlicues indicating a feminine figure moving from the left side of the page to the right side of the page; her hair swirls up in pink curls, her face is itself a red spiral, and her arms in red spirals also; her dress is a shoulder-less gown with a sweetheart neckline and a full skirt, all done in burgundy spirals which trail out behind her and curl up in front of her; she gives off a number of circular and triangular spirals of ashes and sparks in the same three colors as she moves]

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Split Triangles

Split Triangles
pen & ink on paper

[image description: black ink line-drawing of two triangles; the left triangle is slightly elevated compared to the right triangle which sits lower on the page; each triangle has been bisected by lines leading from the bottom corners to either upright side; the left triangle has been further bisected only twice more, while the right triangle has been bisected thrice more; the lines intersect in the top part of each triangle, dividing it into diamonds; the diamonds are shaded lightly in the left triangle, and more heavily in the right triangle; in the right triangle particularly the shading leaves a whitespace in a yonic pinched oval at the center both in the diamonds above and in the smaller internal triangle below]

Friday, October 13, 2017

I Love

I Love
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: innumerable overlapping scribbles and scratches in many shades of ink, including black; at the very center in small block capital letters are the words "I LOVE"]

Sunday, October 8, 2017


colored pencil on paper

[Image description: white background, with curving and curling lines indicating clouds at the top in light blue and purple, and waves at the bottom in green, dark blue, and light blue; the waves form the skirt of a feminine figure in shades of brown, also done in curving and curling lines, with her dark brown hair spiralling out from her head, and curls of lighter brown indicating her bare breasts]

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Cat Goddess

Cat Goddess
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: dense straight black horizontal lines fill an outline of a feminine cat-headed figure with no arms or legs; above and below dense straight red diagonal lines fill triangle outlines behind the cat figure; to the left and right dense straight blue vertical lines fill disks on either side of her shoulders]

Friday, October 6, 2017

Look What You Did

Look What You Did
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: white background, pale blue line drawing of a young man and woman standing before an archway; the man holds a ball out to his right side and his left hand is extended palm up; he wears shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops and has voluminous chin-length hair; the woman holds her right hand up, palm facing the man, and her left hand down, pointing at a broken vase apparently fallen from a column and shattered into pieces; she is wearing a long, full skirt, a long, full blouse, a bookbag, and spectacles]

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Moon Temple

Moon Temple
oil pastels on paper

[Image description: in the foreground is a blue border indicating a body of water; upward from the water a yellow-green path curves twice across green earth up to a horizon where sits a full blue-green moon that almost fills the space between a black column on the left and a white column on the right, behind which is a sky the same moderately dark shade of blue as the water]