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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 2: Triggering Event

Triggering Event
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: pink sky horizontal to red earth; on the right is a blobby monster in shades of brown expressing anger, rising up to attack the figure on the left, a black, white, and grey feathered figure expressing fear and dismay]

Thursday, December 21, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: frame of intersecting diagonal, vertical, and horizontal black lines against white; in the center octagon are nine different shades of blue and green in horizontal lines forming a still sea, out of which rise four single triangles and one double triangle island mountains in three shades of green]

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: bordered horizontally by purple bands and vertically by turquoise; all drawn in black lines and filled in straight lines. Five mountains in cool colors point up at a pale pink sky in the background; the foreground is a desert in warm colors grading from yellow and orange through red to brown, with a sign reading "Quitman" in the farthest distance, a cactus in the middle, and two stands of grass closest to the viewer.]

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Arrows, Plaid Lines

Arrows, Plaid Lines
markers on paper

[Image description: against a white background with vertical red stripes, framed by black and red border, red and black lines intersect and interweave on diagonals; in the foreground two arrows filled with plaid red lines point at each other, touching tips where a thick red diagonal separates them]

Saturday, December 16, 2017

New Series: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 1: Honeymoon Phase

So far, this series has only been revealed on Patreon. Today I publicly publish the first completed painting from the series of five.

Honeymoon Phase
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: yellow sky with a small disk of a sun in the top half of the background, pale green ground in the bottom half; two figures in the foreground: a green and purple femme bird humanoid looks up and left to the sun, while an orange, brown, and yellow rotund masculine figure grimaces out at the viewer]

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Seiche Wave

Seiche Wave
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: against a white background, with a large blue dot in the center of a field of intersecting wavy lines of the same blue; the wave lines extend vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, and are darkest to the top and left, fading as you move to the bottom and right]

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: burnt sienna billows across the canvas like smoke or rumpled silk in variegated layers of thickness, some places opaque, others transparent enough to reveal the texture of the canvas beneath]

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Maiden, Mother, Crone

charcoal on paper

[Image description: charcoal on paper bust of a young woman facing straight on and looking directly at the viewer; her hair is cut in a short bob and her ears are pointed, elvish. She smirks, and her shoulders are dropped very low. Her neckline is high.]

charcoal on paper

[Image description:  charcoal bust of a middle-aged woman facing straight on and looking directly at the viewer. Her face is relaxed, and she wears a sleeveless gown with a low neckline revealing her decolletage. Her hair is long and frames her face.]

charcoal on paper

[Image description: charcoal bust of an elderly woman looking up and to the left. Her neckline is high, she appears amused, and her hair escapes around her face from a scarf tied around her head.]

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Linear A Sunrise

Linear A Sunrise
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: pen & ink line drawing of a sunrise over hills on a partly cloudy day framed with black diagonal lines; the clouds are indicated by negative space or gaps in the lines with start a pale blue horizontal lines and grade to darker blues as you continue down the page, then warming to purple, red, and pink diagonal lines as you get closer to a bright yellow sun done in solid marker ink; the hills are indicated by offset diagonal lines in green]

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Linear B Cat Silhouette

Linear B Cat Silhouette
markers on paper

[Image description: Linear silhouette of a cat reclining and facing left, outlined in black, filled with widely-spaced horizontal red lines]

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Snake-Haired Goddess

Snake-Haired Goddess
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: Linear silhouette of a female figure filled with black diagonal lines; her hair is numerous snakes, some filled with red vertical lines and others filled with blue horizontal lines.]

Saturday, December 2, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: linear drawing of a triangle outlined in thick black lines, sitting on a horizontal line; the triangle is filled with converging lines in alternating colors of pink, blue, purple, and green]

Friday, December 1, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: concentric circles against a black background; the center is dark yellow, surrounded by peach, orange, red, magenta, purple, lavender, deep violet, dark blue, sky blue, ultramarine, pale blue, sea foam green, mint, olive, forest green, pale green, leaf green, then lemon yellow, lastly circles of black, and then straight vertical lines of black to the edge of the page]