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Sunday, January 21, 2018

Blue Mandala

Blue Mandala
acrylic and paint pens on stretched canvas

[Image description: rich blue swirls and undulates as the background; the foreground is a mandala in solid white lines, hemispheres, open triangles, and dots radiating eight-fold from a center point, with outer edge alternating triangles having hearts in their centers with simplified eyes, all surrounded by a double line]

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 5: Freedom

acrylic & paint pens on stretched canvas

[Image description: background of deep blue sky and tan earth, yellow sun is a disk with radiating brush strokes inscribed with zigzag lines as circumference and radians; at the bottom right is a blobby figure in grey, black, and white with bloody claws stretched up and left at the bird-woman who has escaped; she is profile with wings outstretched behind her, and is painted in shades of purple, green, and pink]

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ruby in Milk

Ruby in Milk
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: white background textured with horizontal lines, faint blue stretched from right to left at center level; red upraised disk to the center right, slightly swirled in white, surrounded by almond-shaped horizontal framing in the horizontal white lines]

Monday, January 15, 2018

Purple Texture

Purple Texture
acrylic on stretched canvas
9" diameter

[Image description: blonde wood surface with circular painting on top; painting is light purple in color, with a basket-weave patterned texture of three vertical lines alternating with three horizontal lines across the surface]

Sunday, January 14, 2018


acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: white background with horizontal purple waving lines that are darkest on the left and fade to the right and blue fingerprint dots in between the lines, overlaid with thick red vertical stripes dotted with yellow; yellow dots also line vertically in the open space at the center of the painting, and green dots occur at the left and right edges as well as down the center line beneath the yellow dots]

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 4: Escape

acrylic & paint pens on stretched canvas

[Image description: bright yellow background; in the foreground a single figure: rear view of a bird-woman, wings outstretched down and to the sides, in shades of green with yellow highlights, rivulets of blood streaming from the claw marks on her back]

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 3: Abuse

Acrylic and paint pens on canvas

[Image description: red sky, pale pink ground for background; in the foreground a dripping, blobby brown figure attacks a bird-woman whose wings are uplifted; she is in shades of green and purple; blood is visible where the attacker's claws dig into her shoulders and back, and feathers of purple and green scatter everywhere]

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Curving Spiral

Curving Spiral
paint pens on stretched canvas
9" diameter

[Image description: circular canvas against a background of blonde wood; on the canvas is painted a yellow fractal spiral curving from the bottom right clockwise inward, with rainbow colors radiating out from darker yellow to orange, red, purple, and blue, and only a tiny triangle of green]

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Center - Ground - Charge - Shield - Release

Center - Ground - Charge - Shield - Release
acrylic and paint pens on stretched canvas

[Image description: white background with five feminine silhouettes; from left to right, the first is yellow and has a silver disk at the waist; the second is dark green and the silver disk has become a circle with a line stretching to the feet; the third is red, and the silver circle is now surrounded by a gold circle; the fourth is blue and the gold circle has expanded to an oval encompassing the figure; the fifth is purple, and now the silver is absent, only the gold oval remains]

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Weaving Waves

Weaving Waves
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: all in primary blue, background of vertical lines with horizontal wavy lines across the top]

Monday, January 1, 2018

Rainbow Ribbon

Rainbow Ribbon
paint pens on canvas board

[Image description: horizontal waving lines of color in rainbow, thickest at top and bottom, thinnest in the center; orange to red to purple, blue, green, pale yellow, dark yellow, orange, then red again, in five iterations; in the second iteration silver interrupts blue and purple; in the third iteration, gold interrupts dark yellow and orange; in the fourth iteration, pink interrupts red and purple; the first and fifth iterations are the thickest]