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Tuesday, October 30, 2018


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: centered is an impression of a human silhouette in yellow, ringed in concentric rainbow lines eventually losing detail to become a rough oval moving through orange, reds, purples, blues, greens, and back to yellow and orange again]

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


pen & ink on paper

[Image description: white background with ink line drawing of three large bubbles, the gaps filled with dozens of increasingly smaller bubbles, all in black except for a small portion in blue and a small portion in red to the center left]

Thursday, October 18, 2018


markers on paper

[Image description: white background with brown lines interweaving to form a bare tree, beneath which lie leaves in orange, red, yellow, and brown, behind which is a dense zigzag of green indicating a grass horizon]

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Triangle Dot

Triangle Dot
markers on paper

[Image description: white background framed in grey lines; blue diagonal and horizontal lines intersect with green lines behind a triangle filled with red and orange vertical and horizontal lines overlaid with purple diagonal lines; one small square inside the triangle left and bottom of center is filled with blue]

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Still Moment

Still Moment
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: white background with a blue ink line drawing of a small circular table beneath a four-paned window holding a single potted daisy]

Thursday, October 4, 2018


watercolors on paper

[Image description: vertical lines of sky blue are overlaid with lighter blues to white in splotches]

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Scab (Clotting)

Scab (Companion to Clotting)
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: white peeks through thick layers of pink, red, brown, and yellow paint smeared together with heavily upraised lines of capillary action over the surface]