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Tuesday, December 11, 2018


markers on paper

[Image description: white background framed in black with a diamond centered within a larger diamond; the interior is a grid of red, the exterior is vertical blue lines; outside are the vertical halves of other diamonds with vertical blue lines and the horizontal halves of diamonds with horizontal green lines, all with grids of red centered]

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree
markers on paper

[Image description: white background with linear triangle in black, filled with linear Sierpinski gasket-style tree in black, red, green, and blue; diagonals in red and green indicate the tree pattern, while diamonds in red, green, and blue indicate ornaments]

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


charcoal on paper

[Image description: white background with black and white charcoal drawing of a four by three interlaced knot shaded to show the overlapping of each line]