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Sunday, December 24, 2017

Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 2: Triggering Event

Triggering Event
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: pink sky horizontal to red earth; on the right is a blobby monster in shades of brown expressing anger, rising up to attack the figure on the left, a black, white, and grey feathered figure expressing fear and dismay]

Thursday, December 21, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: frame of intersecting diagonal, vertical, and horizontal black lines against white; in the center octagon are nine different shades of blue and green in horizontal lines forming a still sea, out of which rise four single triangles and one double triangle island mountains in three shades of green]

Tuesday, December 19, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: bordered horizontally by purple bands and vertically by turquoise; all drawn in black lines and filled in straight lines. Five mountains in cool colors point up at a pale pink sky in the background; the foreground is a desert in warm colors grading from yellow and orange through red to brown, with a sign reading "Quitman" in the farthest distance, a cactus in the middle, and two stands of grass closest to the viewer.]

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Arrows, Plaid Lines

Arrows, Plaid Lines
markers on paper

[Image description: against a white background with vertical red stripes, framed by black and red border, red and black lines intersect and interweave on diagonals; in the foreground two arrows filled with plaid red lines point at each other, touching tips where a thick red diagonal separates them]

Saturday, December 16, 2017

New Series: Breaking the Cycle of Abuse - Painting 1: Honeymoon Phase

So far, this series has only been revealed on Patreon. Today I publicly publish the first completed painting from the series of five.

Honeymoon Phase
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: yellow sky with a small disk of a sun in the top half of the background, pale green ground in the bottom half; two figures in the foreground: a green and purple femme bird humanoid looks up and left to the sun, while an orange, brown, and yellow rotund masculine figure grimaces out at the viewer]

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Seiche Wave

Seiche Wave
acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: against a white background, with a large blue dot in the center of a field of intersecting wavy lines of the same blue; the wave lines extend vertically, horizontally, and diagonally, and are darkest to the top and left, fading as you move to the bottom and right]

Tuesday, December 12, 2017


acrylic on stretched canvas

[Image description: burnt sienna billows across the canvas like smoke or rumpled silk in variegated layers of thickness, some places opaque, others transparent enough to reveal the texture of the canvas beneath]

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Maiden, Mother, Crone

charcoal on paper

[Image description: charcoal on paper bust of a young woman facing straight on and looking directly at the viewer; her hair is cut in a short bob and her ears are pointed, elvish. She smirks, and her shoulders are dropped very low. Her neckline is high.]

charcoal on paper

[Image description:  charcoal bust of a middle-aged woman facing straight on and looking directly at the viewer. Her face is relaxed, and she wears a sleeveless gown with a low neckline revealing her decolletage. Her hair is long and frames her face.]

charcoal on paper

[Image description: charcoal bust of an elderly woman looking up and to the left. Her neckline is high, she appears amused, and her hair escapes around her face from a scarf tied around her head.]

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Linear A Sunrise

Linear A Sunrise
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: pen & ink line drawing of a sunrise over hills on a partly cloudy day framed with black diagonal lines; the clouds are indicated by negative space or gaps in the lines with start a pale blue horizontal lines and grade to darker blues as you continue down the page, then warming to purple, red, and pink diagonal lines as you get closer to a bright yellow sun done in solid marker ink; the hills are indicated by offset diagonal lines in green]

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Linear B Cat Silhouette

Linear B Cat Silhouette
markers on paper

[Image description: Linear silhouette of a cat reclining and facing left, outlined in black, filled with widely-spaced horizontal red lines]

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Snake-Haired Goddess

Snake-Haired Goddess
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: Linear silhouette of a female figure filled with black diagonal lines; her hair is numerous snakes, some filled with red vertical lines and others filled with blue horizontal lines.]

Saturday, December 2, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: linear drawing of a triangle outlined in thick black lines, sitting on a horizontal line; the triangle is filled with converging lines in alternating colors of pink, blue, purple, and green]

Friday, December 1, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: concentric circles against a black background; the center is dark yellow, surrounded by peach, orange, red, magenta, purple, lavender, deep violet, dark blue, sky blue, ultramarine, pale blue, sea foam green, mint, olive, forest green, pale green, leaf green, then lemon yellow, lastly circles of black, and then straight vertical lines of black to the edge of the page]

Thursday, November 30, 2017


pen & ink on paper

[Image description: linear drawing of spirals; a woman composed of dark purple spirals raises one hand aloft, the other curls at her waist; she has a nimbus of pale blue hair swirling around her head, a dark blue sleeveless bodice with a sweetheart neckline, and a dark blue full skirt twisting about her unseen legs]

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

CyberWeek Savings! 50% Off!

It is CyberWeek! Save on all paintings - 50% off any art posted to this blog if you mention it in your email to - contact me today!


colored pencil on paper

[Image description: colored pencil sketch of ocean waves stretches across the page in pale blue as a base, shades of darker blue, topped with sea foam green..]

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


charcoal on paper

[Image description: pencil drawing of a woman from head to shoulders. She has long, wavy hair, and is looking up, in tears, her brow furrowed and her eyebrows drawn together.]

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Choke Point

Choke Point
markers on paper

[Image description: background of alternating black and red vertical lines, foreground is an inverted 2-dimensional pyramid on top of an upright 2-dimensional pyramid, with stepped edges in black, all indicated by horizontal lines randomly checkered with red-filled squares and rectangles.]

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

64 Point Star

64 Point Star
pencil on paper

[Image description: pencil drawing of a compass rose-style star divided into 64 points, the largest points to the top, bottom, left, and right, the next largest at diagonals, the next smaller cross-diagonal, and the smallest crossing again]

Saturday, November 11, 2017


charcoal on paper

[Image description: background is a full moon and lines indicating rushing clouds; foreground is a woman facing the viewer, visible from head to knees, and crowned with a crescent laying on her head, points up; her hair is loose and flowing, she holds bow and wears a necklace with a disk pendant, and has a quiver of arrows slung from her hip. She is wearing a sleeveless gown which crosses over her breasts and a belt which holds at her waist but curves down over her hips]

Thursday, November 9, 2017


markers on paper

[Image description: Black background of a long, slow spiral, with lines radiating out from a figure drawn in black against white background in the right-hand lower corner; the figure is given in profile, curled up in a fetal position]

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


pen & ink on paper

[Image description: in smeared reddish-brown ink, a seed on the left which then is repeated, growing larger, swelling in five iterations; the sixth position is a sprouting plant, which then in the seventh position becomes a sapling, in the eighth a small tree, and in the ninth, final position is a large tree]

Friday, October 27, 2017

Geometric Tornado

Geometric Tornado
markers on paper

[image description: alternating vertical stripes in black and red, crossed perpendicular with horizontal black lines and randomly sized and placed red-filled boxes in an uneven inverted triangle]

Sunday, October 22, 2017


markers on paper

[image description: red ink grid with whitespace to either side; the center four-by-four boxes are criss-crossed with diagonal lines and further sub-divided into recursively smaller boxes and diagonals]

Friday, October 20, 2017


pencil on paper

 [image description: pencil sketch; in the foreground is a simple line-drawing of the artist's left hand placed on top of the knees; the background is shaded flat surfaces and deep canyons, atop which is perched a starfish in a similar position to the foregrounded hand]

Sunday, October 15, 2017


pen & ink on paper

[image description: ink line-drawing in curlicues indicating a feminine figure moving from the left side of the page to the right side of the page; her hair swirls up in pink curls, her face is itself a red spiral, and her arms in red spirals also; her dress is a shoulder-less gown with a sweetheart neckline and a full skirt, all done in burgundy spirals which trail out behind her and curl up in front of her; she gives off a number of circular and triangular spirals of ashes and sparks in the same three colors as she moves]

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Split Triangles

Split Triangles
pen & ink on paper

[image description: black ink line-drawing of two triangles; the left triangle is slightly elevated compared to the right triangle which sits lower on the page; each triangle has been bisected by lines leading from the bottom corners to either upright side; the left triangle has been further bisected only twice more, while the right triangle has been bisected thrice more; the lines intersect in the top part of each triangle, dividing it into diamonds; the diamonds are shaded lightly in the left triangle, and more heavily in the right triangle; in the right triangle particularly the shading leaves a whitespace in a yonic pinched oval at the center both in the diamonds above and in the smaller internal triangle below]

Friday, October 13, 2017

I Love

I Love
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: innumerable overlapping scribbles and scratches in many shades of ink, including black; at the very center in small block capital letters are the words "I LOVE"]

Sunday, October 8, 2017


colored pencil on paper

[Image description: white background, with curving and curling lines indicating clouds at the top in light blue and purple, and waves at the bottom in green, dark blue, and light blue; the waves form the skirt of a feminine figure in shades of brown, also done in curving and curling lines, with her dark brown hair spiralling out from her head, and curls of lighter brown indicating her bare breasts]

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Cat Goddess

Cat Goddess
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: dense straight black horizontal lines fill an outline of a feminine cat-headed figure with no arms or legs; above and below dense straight red diagonal lines fill triangle outlines behind the cat figure; to the left and right dense straight blue vertical lines fill disks on either side of her shoulders]

Friday, October 6, 2017

Look What You Did

Look What You Did
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: white background, pale blue line drawing of a young man and woman standing before an archway; the man holds a ball out to his right side and his left hand is extended palm up; he wears shorts, a t-shirt, and flip-flops and has voluminous chin-length hair; the woman holds her right hand up, palm facing the man, and her left hand down, pointing at a broken vase apparently fallen from a column and shattered into pieces; she is wearing a long, full skirt, a long, full blouse, a bookbag, and spectacles]

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Moon Temple

Moon Temple
oil pastels on paper

[Image description: in the foreground is a blue border indicating a body of water; upward from the water a yellow-green path curves twice across green earth up to a horizon where sits a full blue-green moon that almost fills the space between a black column on the left and a white column on the right, behind which is a sky the same moderately dark shade of blue as the water]

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Syd Rantin

Syd Rantin
colored pencil on paper

[Image description: line drawing with shading of a woman in phat pants and a large button-down short-sleeved shirt, holding part of her long hair out to her right, standing before a microphone on a small, circular, curtained stage. One large text box is to our right, and a smaller one is beneath, and below both, unboxed, are the words "Syd Rantin"]

Strung out hipster
with low slung hips
Crooning in the psychedelic rain -
Madness falling softly --
The road not taken
(is often paved
with good intentions).
Alter your perceptions
to gain new perspectives.
An academic memetic
Objective, subjective,
The speculatory mirror.

It's not her fault her parents
took too much acid. Really.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sea Sunrise

Sea Sunrise
markers on paper

[Image description: multicolored simple line drawing of a sunrise at sea, blue waves topped with purpole, the sun in green, yellow, and orange with a pink star in the sky]

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Gibson Girl

Gibson Girl
pencil on paper

[Image description: line drawing with little shading of a woman dressed in Edwardian clothing with her hair up in author's imitation of the style of a Gibson Girl]

Friday, September 22, 2017

Carven Water

Carven Water
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: brown swirling lines lie primarily horizontally and overlap with one another]

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Snow Scene

Snow Scene
markers on paper

[Image description: most of the snow scene is white, with blue lines indicating that the snow is churned into little hillocks; in the middle foreground are a single snow-covered deciduous tree and two small green bushes whose flat tops are also covered in snow; behind these is a white wall, beyond which are the darkening lines of an evening sky]

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Changes to Posting Schedule

Friends of Shadow Play,

I regret to inform you that this blog may have to move to weekends-only posts. As I have been unable to secure patrons, I am no longer in a position where I can post weekdays with any regularity. I will try to do so in the afternoons when I come home from my newly extended hours at my day job, but can make no promises. In all likelihood, this blog will become a weekend blog only. Please see the "Support This Blog" link to make any contributions, but for the next eight weeks I am locked into a contract starting Monday.

Gwenhwyfar Rhwwttchen


pen & ink on paper

[Image description: black and white line drawing with cross-hatching for shading, indicating a long-haired feminine figure looking up with a worried expression]

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Play

The Play
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: black and white line drawing of a deep ampitheater backed by a curving wall; onstage are three figures, one on the left in a short tunic whose head hangs despondently, one in the center in a large robe with arms upraised above their head, and one on the right in a gown who stretches her arm out to the one on the left; centered between them all is a fire on an altar; in the audience are dozens of people reacting variously to the scene]

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Fuck Perfection

Fuck Perfection
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: white background with the words "Fuck perfection!" in different lettering for each letter, beneath which are a black peace sign, a red heart, a blue taijitu, and a black smiley face]

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Speaker

The Speaker
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: line drawing outlined in dark blue, colored in with pink, purple, and green; a red haired woman in a green dress, bangle bracelets, hoop earrings, and a pendant necklace stands before a tree with her arms held out palms up; before her are several people, mostly women from children to the elderly, although on the right one woman looks in anger at a tonsured man who listens intently]

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Sierpinski Gasket

Sierpinski Gasket
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: fractal triangle which is red on the outer two levels, then orange, then yellow, light green, and blue, with purple being the smallest level]

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Happy Cat

Happy Cat
ink pens on paper

[Image description: line drawing in black ink of a cat reclining with her belly up and one paw extended out to the right, with the other curled up against her chest on the left]

Monday, August 28, 2017


ink pens on paper

[Image description: line drawing in black ink of the artist looking skeptically at the viewer; she has her hair pulled up and back in a messy bun, wears glasses, and has a mole on the top right side of her face]

Sunday, August 27, 2017


chalk pastel on paper

[Image description: black and white drawing of a mermaid stylized in lines of varying thicknesses; her hair, hands, and tail curl in spirals]

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Imagined Room

Imagined Room
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: white background with blue line drawing of perspective shot from a hall into a sitting room with a television and a chair and more bookshelves further on; foregrounded is a bookshelf filled with books, pictures, and various other objects including a guitar, a globe, a crystal ball, a telescope, a bust, and an oil lamp]

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Circuitboard Mandala

Circuitboard Mandala
markers on paper

[Image description: white background with circular figure centered around a borderless medicine wheel surrounded by tally marks in blue, then green, then black; next is a ring of orange surrounded by disks of red, yellow, black, and white, followed by a ring of triangles alternating blue, green, and black, finally circled by a series of small orange dots from which lines in all colors emanate in square angles]

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Question and Answer

Question and Answer
colored pencil on paper

[Image description: a split image divided by a diagonal line tilted right; the top left shows a stylized white feminine figure with brown hair and a purple dress standing on a green hill, looking into the night sky peacefully, while the bottom right shows the same woman in lighter colors in the day time with her arms and hair curled wildly about her; the text is behind the woman to the left in the first image, and next to the woman on the right in the bottom image]

I asked
the universe
whether it
would live
or die
and a great
and terrible
answered me,

And I went happily mad,
reeling with the possibility
of a quiet