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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Syd Rantin

Syd Rantin
colored pencil on paper

[Image description: line drawing with shading of a woman in phat pants and a large button-down short-sleeved shirt, holding part of her long hair out to her right, standing before a microphone on a small, circular, curtained stage. One large text box is to our right, and a smaller one is beneath, and below both, unboxed, are the words "Syd Rantin"]

Strung out hipster
with low slung hips
Crooning in the psychedelic rain -
Madness falling softly --
The road not taken
(is often paved
with good intentions).
Alter your perceptions
to gain new perspectives.
An academic memetic
Objective, subjective,
The speculatory mirror.

It's not her fault her parents
took too much acid. Really.

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