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Saturday, September 30, 2017

Syd Rantin

Syd Rantin
colored pencil on paper

[Image description: line drawing with shading of a woman in phat pants and a large button-down short-sleeved shirt, holding part of her long hair out to her right, standing before a microphone on a small, circular, curtained stage. One large text box is to our right, and a smaller one is beneath, and below both, unboxed, are the words "Syd Rantin"]

Strung out hipster
with low slung hips
Crooning in the psychedelic rain -
Madness falling softly --
The road not taken
(is often paved
with good intentions).
Alter your perceptions
to gain new perspectives.
An academic memetic
Objective, subjective,
The speculatory mirror.

It's not her fault her parents
took too much acid. Really.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sea Sunrise

Sea Sunrise
markers on paper

[Image description: multicolored simple line drawing of a sunrise at sea, blue waves topped with purpole, the sun in green, yellow, and orange with a pink star in the sky]

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Gibson Girl

Gibson Girl
pencil on paper

[Image description: line drawing with little shading of a woman dressed in Edwardian clothing with her hair up in author's imitation of the style of a Gibson Girl]

Friday, September 22, 2017

Carven Water

Carven Water
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: brown swirling lines lie primarily horizontally and overlap with one another]

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Snow Scene

Snow Scene
markers on paper

[Image description: most of the snow scene is white, with blue lines indicating that the snow is churned into little hillocks; in the middle foreground are a single snow-covered deciduous tree and two small green bushes whose flat tops are also covered in snow; behind these is a white wall, beyond which are the darkening lines of an evening sky]

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Changes to Posting Schedule

Friends of Shadow Play,

I regret to inform you that this blog may have to move to weekends-only posts. As I have been unable to secure patrons, I am no longer in a position where I can post weekdays with any regularity. I will try to do so in the afternoons when I come home from my newly extended hours at my day job, but can make no promises. In all likelihood, this blog will become a weekend blog only. Please see the "Support This Blog" link to make any contributions, but for the next eight weeks I am locked into a contract starting Monday.

Gwenhwyfar Rhwwttchen


pen & ink on paper

[Image description: black and white line drawing with cross-hatching for shading, indicating a long-haired feminine figure looking up with a worried expression]

Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Play

The Play
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: black and white line drawing of a deep ampitheater backed by a curving wall; onstage are three figures, one on the left in a short tunic whose head hangs despondently, one in the center in a large robe with arms upraised above their head, and one on the right in a gown who stretches her arm out to the one on the left; centered between them all is a fire on an altar; in the audience are dozens of people reacting variously to the scene]

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Fuck Perfection

Fuck Perfection
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: white background with the words "Fuck perfection!" in different lettering for each letter, beneath which are a black peace sign, a red heart, a blue taijitu, and a black smiley face]

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The Speaker

The Speaker
pen & ink on paper

[Image description: line drawing outlined in dark blue, colored in with pink, purple, and green; a red haired woman in a green dress, bangle bracelets, hoop earrings, and a pendant necklace stands before a tree with her arms held out palms up; before her are several people, mostly women from children to the elderly, although on the right one woman looks in anger at a tonsured man who listens intently]