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Sunday, April 29, 2018

Horizontal Rainbow

Horizontal Rainbow
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: straight horizontal lines in a rainbow from yellow through orange, red, purple, shades of blue, green, and back to yellow, all distorted by water droplets over the surface]

Sunday, April 8, 2018

In This House...

In This House We Do Geek
acrylic and paint pens on stretched canvas
pictured painting not for sale, but commissions available starting at $30

[Image description: stylized white text on a black background reading "In this house / We believe in Magic / We have epic adventures / Once upon a time and in / A galaxy far far away / We do wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff / Going where no man has / gone before because / We know the answer is 42 and / The odds are ever in our favor / And winter is coming / We go on unexpected journeys / We do cosplay and passion / And we aim to misbehave / because in this house / We do geek"]

In This House We Do Star Wars
acrylic and paint pens on stretched canvas
pictured painting not for sale, but commissions available starting at $30

[Image description: stylized white text on a black background reading "In this house may the / Force / be with us always / Do or do not. There is no try. / We may be a little short / for stormtroopers and be / stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking / nerfherders. / We have a bad feeling about this / and know it's a trap. / We know fear is the path to / the dark side / and we find your lack of faith disturbing / even though the force is strong with you. / This is where the fun begins / because in this house we do / Star Wars"]

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Rain Storm

Rain Storm
markers on paper

[Image description: white background with horizontal green lines unevenly spaced apart; vertical blue lines drop from the top down to stop at points on each green line, where circles in shades of blue radiate outward from each point to overlap in chaos; occasionally the various quadrilaterals formed by the intersecting circles and lines are filled with yellows, reds, greens, blues, purples, etc.]

Thursday, April 5, 2018


watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: white background; at the intersection of two green fields sits a red flower, overhung on the left by a raincloud, and on the right by the sun; all drawn in abstracted bands and dashes of alternating colors]

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Rainbow Heart

Rainbow Heart
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: horizontal lines in all shades of colors arranged in repetitive rainbow; on the surface, water droplets scatter around a heart crowned with a diamond shape]

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Water Diamond

Water Diamond
watercolor pencils on paper

[Image description: against white background, a filled blue rectangle overlaid with a hollow diamond shape, edges are dark blue, interior progresses through shades of green to yellow, but the hollow is the same blue as the filled rectangle; the surface has been spattered and dripped with water, distorting the colors and spreading the different colors around in fingerprint sized splotches]

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Yard (Our House)

The Yard (companion to Our House)
acrylic on canvas board

[Image description: shades of brown, with small bits of white, red, and yellow blend together under the pressing and capillary action of the process]