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Sunday, April 8, 2018

In This House...

In This House We Do Geek
acrylic and paint pens on stretched canvas
pictured painting not for sale, but commissions available starting at $30

[Image description: stylized white text on a black background reading "In this house / We believe in Magic / We have epic adventures / Once upon a time and in / A galaxy far far away / We do wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff / Going where no man has / gone before because / We know the answer is 42 and / The odds are ever in our favor / And winter is coming / We go on unexpected journeys / We do cosplay and passion / And we aim to misbehave / because in this house / We do geek"]

In This House We Do Star Wars
acrylic and paint pens on stretched canvas
pictured painting not for sale, but commissions available starting at $30

[Image description: stylized white text on a black background reading "In this house may the / Force / be with us always / Do or do not. There is no try. / We may be a little short / for stormtroopers and be / stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking / nerfherders. / We have a bad feeling about this / and know it's a trap. / We know fear is the path to / the dark side / and we find your lack of faith disturbing / even though the force is strong with you. / This is where the fun begins / because in this house we do / Star Wars"]

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