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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Buy My Fourth Book of Poetry

My new book of poetry A Few Principles of Dream Logic is now available on Amazon as Kindle eBook and paperback. The cover is my painting "Windowpain," one of my personal favorites out of the hundreds of artworks I've created so far. 

The blurb: "The fourth book of Gwenhwyfar Rhwwttchen's poetry explores our nightly inner worlds and what she calls 'dream logic,' the rhyme and reason of dreaming which seems to lack logic entirely. Rhwwttchen offers a careful mixture of free and fixed verse in ten chapters ranging from principles, corollaries, and axioms to the dream world itself. Each chapter contains fifteen distinct poetic formulations of dreams and concepts related to dreams, including title poems. Here Rhwwttchen studies symbolism, mythology, alchemy, Jungian archetypes, Freudian wish-fulfillment, dream yoga, divination, and omens. Look for a sonnet redouble, rhyming couplets, tercets, quatrains, waka, blank verse, and what Rhwwttchen calls 'open meter,' which rhymes and where meter is unfettered by convention."

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